Your money is used (partly) for buying goods which are sold for a profit. Returns are therefor variable.
10% of the profit made with your part of the money is paid directly to your STP or AlertPay account. 10% of the profit made with your part of the money + your initial layout is rolled back into your account for compouding.
Of the other 80% made with your part of the money a small part of 5% goes to a charity of your designation and another 5% is paid to your upline sponsor.
AAN Purchased a Book Collection for $3,000 and Sold it for $494,000 creating 491,000 in profit. If Investors backed the original purchase then they would receive $98,200 of the profits for distribution. Making their profit share equal to 3,273.33%.

Payout example:
AAN buys an Item for $10.00 and sells it for $100.00 .
Your initial $10.00 + 10% of the $90 profit is returned to your account for e-investment ($19).
10% or the profit is added to your monthly payout ($9).
5% of the profit is sent to your designated charity ($4.50).
5% of the profit goes to the person who referred you to AAN ($4.50).
The program is run by one of North America's largest acquisition agents and a very experienced ebay seller who has a great deal of experience at identifying items which can be sold for significantly more than they can be purchased for. They have been doing this for over 20 years, and way before ebay. Ebay is just tne avenue in which they do it.
Sponsoring is not required, if you like you can be completely passive and you'll still earn good money. Of course you'll make more if you refer others but consider that extra, it is never required.
Good to know; members have the guarantee that they can't lose out on any purchase made. In other words; you can only win!
The used to take PayPal but that has recently been aborted. Right now you can fund your account using SolidTrustPay (STP) or AlertPay.
You can sign up with AffordableAffiliates :
Click Here
Before you join make sure watch the video.
You can join for free and look around the site before you do your investment.